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Does Car Insurance Cover a Blown Engine?

Without the ability to drive, your vehicle has significantly less value to you and your responsibilities. While insurance covers your car in the case of an accident and certain damage, there are lots of questions concerning other automobile issues. We’re here to help.

Will insurance cover a blown engine?

Unfortunately, insurance only covers repairs to your vehicle if they’re related to an accident. If your automobile was in an accident and the engine started having issues after, there is a possibility that the accident caused the issue, and insurance may cover the repair cost.

What if the engine is blown without fault from me?
Unfortunately, mechanical issues are not covered by auto insurance. You aren’t out of luck though. If your vehicle is still covered by warranty or you’ve purchased an extended warranty, your vehicle’s motor issues may be covered.

Does Insurance Cover Mechanical Issues?

That depends, if the mechanical issues were caused by a collision then you may be covered. If you hit a pot-hole and it caused damage to your vehicle or mechanical damage, you may be covered provided your claim is submitted in a reasonable time and the issues can be diagnosed to be caused by the accident.

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